Tina Saulnier is an intuitive energy healer, spiritual mindset coach and life transformation mentor. After transforming her life from clinical depression, social anxiety to loving her life. She turned her life around. She is a well-known and respected leader in the field of natural healing. Described by her peers as inspirational, Powerful, Uplifting, Devoted, Empathetic, Compassionate, Calming, Real, Admirable and so much more! Tina is a mother of 4, step-mother to 1, wife, sister, and aunt as well as a friend and mentor to thousands of people around the world. Using a combination approach of various modalities including but not limited to intuitive reading, reiki, theta healing, life coaching and over 30 years of personal studies in natural remedies, Tina can get you started on the right path to awaken to YOUR authentic truth.



I was incredibly stuck at a point in my life where there seemed to be only a flay grey expanse. Tina asked me the one question that changed everything in an instant. She holds this amazing space where the truth of the lies you've been telling yourself are bared.

My consultation session with Tina was via the internet but she is fully present and you can feel the great compassion and calm she projects. Its so soothing and creates a wonderfully safe space to break and then be remade.

I would highly recommend any healing with Tina, I can genuinely say that my life will never be the same.



So much has been lifted off of me since our session !

I feel so free and whole!

i dont know how you know all this although i am humbled by your authenticity and your deep connection in seeing this healing,, and know what needs healed !

! i cant stop crying humbled and grateful!!

no $$$money in the world could compensate the freedom i have felt after just ONE session !! again thank you!!! it seemed like hours of healing in such a short time!!! you are the REAL DEAL !!!!! THANK YOU xO


Tina Saulnier is so amazing and is absolutely the real deal... watched her live FB pages n jumped in..so impressed with her n felt so at ease n knew I could trust to share with her after watching n listening n shareing. My sweet Daughter arrange a for a session between Tina and I. I was ready to heal n to trust this wonderful warm careing person Tina help me n guide me. I cried many years during the session during the release of some of past pains.. My body could feel the change of release n FREEDOM inside and I am still feeling the benefits of my session with Tina...Her gift is a true gift.. no trickery. no gadgets cards crystals just Her Gift...I am so glad for the session n blessed by it.. Thank you Tina....words can't express what you have done for me n how greatful I am.. Bless you!

Would I recommend her

to my friends n others. Yes with an open heart yes. Forever greatful.

Intuitive Channeling session

In this session I tap into YOUR energy. I’m able to see things that are blocking you from your highest frequency and next level. This can look like having deeper intimacy, making more money, or truly just stepping into the highest version of yourself.

My channeling sessions are like nothing you have ever seen before.

I’m able to give you direct guidance on exactly what your next steps are.

You can come on this session with questions prior to and after I channel.

In this session we could do healing, anger release, or anything else that I’m called to do (with your permission of course).

This is a session, a channel in direct access to source through me.

Clarity Session

45 Minutes



P.O. Box 423

Meteghan, NS

B0W 2J0


email: tina@tinasaulnier.com

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You are the only one who can change your life. You decide you deserve better. You take the steps to change.